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Tustin CA Location Price List
Tustin CA Location :  14591 Newport ave #101, CA 92780

Top Technician Ivy

Ombre Eyebrows/shading Machine
Powder Eyebrows/Manul
Nano Brows
Eyebrows color removal

Touch-up Service

Within 1 year
Within 2 year
More than 2 years
San Diego Location Price List
San Diego Location :  3023 Bunker Hill St Ste 102, San Diego, CA 92109

Advanced Technician Anny

Ombre Eyebrows/shading Machine
Powder Eyebrows/Manul
Nano Brows
Eyebrows color removal

Touch-up Service

Within 1 year
Within 2 year
More than 2 years

Powder eyebrows




3D Eyebrows

Green Eyes and Makeup

Welcome to perfect eyebrows around the clock!

In the research paper, “The Role of Eyebrows in Face Recognition,” experimental results suggest that for facial recognition, eyebrows may be as important as the eyes. They are crucial as far as expressing your emotions. Therefore, choosing the right shape and color can enhance your social skills.

What issues does eyebrow microblading solve?

Eyebrow issues are common – the causes vary from eyebrows being over-tweezed, having medical conditions, being injured, or even going through the natural process of ageing. If you’ve lost your eyebrows or have patchy hair growth, you know first-hand how it affects your overall appearance and self-confidence. You also know how much time you spend drawing your brows on every day, and the insecure feeling you get that your brows will disappear when you sweat or go swimming. Achieving natural-looking eyebrows using makeup pencils and eyebrow powders is a challenge, which is time consuming and often must be repeated during the day. With microblading, your eyebrows will be professionally styled every day and stay that way!

What is microblading?

Eyebrow microblading got its start in Asia, recently exploded in Europe, and is currently one of the hottest beauty trends in the United States, being touted by celebrities and covered recently in publications like Marie Claire, Allure, InStyle, Cosmopolitan and Elle. 

Unlike eyebrow “tattooing”, microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic technique used for creating and filling in eyebrows. A sterilized, handheld microblade tool applies pigment with tiny needles in individual strokes, creating fine lines of color that resemble extremely lifelike hair. Pigment is inserted into just the dermal layer of the skin, therefore it’s far less painful than getting a tattoo. It fades in 1-3 years, which is perfect because trends in eyebrow styles change!  Better still, with microblading, there is no damage to the hair you currently have.

Closed Eye

The microblading process

First, your technician will get to know your lifestyle and personality in order to inform you of your best options.  After that, they will advise you on the best shape and arch for your face.  You will receive a perfect color blended just for you.

Your brows will be drawn in with a pencil first, and numbing cream will be applied topically to the area. Then, the technician will use a microblade tool to artistically hand draw your new eyebrows in with fine strokes. The consultation and microblading procedure usually takes 1-2 hours. The best part is that there is no downtime; you can immediately resume your regular routine!

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